"We do not recommend grease trap cleaning using grease trap enzymes. The restaurant grease is liquified and rehardens downstream of the grease trap. The plumbing blockages are severe and extremely expensive to repair. Grease trap chemicals are illegal in most municipalities"
"Enzymes are best used to clean the grout on tiled floors"
Grease Trap Additives
Grease trap enzymes and chemicals are frequently referred to as Grease Trap Bacteria, Biological Bacteria Enzymes, Biological grease treatments, Additives, agents, degreasers, Bioremediation, dosing systems, slow-dissolve blocks, and Grease Trap Treatments. Grease trap additives are poor grease trap cleaners and a direct cause of grease blockages and sanitary sewer overflows.
Grease trap chemicals, bacterias and enzymes are illegal to use in drains, grease traps and grease interceptors in the majority of all cities, provinces, states, and municipalities. It is near impossible to find municipal approval or recommendation for grease trap additives in Canada.
If grease trap additives are used Grease Trap Pumping is still required.
"The main issue that grease trap biological products face is unscrupulous operators specifiying these products in situations where they simply won't work"
"Grease must be stopped at the source - the drain"
Grease Trap Chemical Regulations
CSA Canada - National Standard of Canada
CAN/CSA-B481 Series-07 December 2007
Grease Traps and Interceptors
Section 6.1.3 - Chemical or Other agents
An operator of a food services facility shall not use or permit the use of chemical agents, enzymes, bacteria, solvents, hot water, or other agents to facilitate the passage of FOG through a grease interceptor.

City of Toronto
Do not use commercial additives, such as detergents, solvents, bacteria and enzymes that claim to dissolve grease. These products only move grease down the line and cause problems further down the pipe. The use of these products contravenesn Sewer Bylaws.

Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association Inc
B481.4.07 states an operator of food services facility shall not use or permit the use of chemical agents, enzymes, bacteria, solvents, hot water, or other agents to facilitate the passage of FOG through a grease interceptor.

City of Calgary
The direct addition of enzymes, chemical and bacteria treatment to an interceptor is prohibited as per The City's Wastewater Bylaw 14M2012. Enzymes, chemical and bacteria treatments only dissolve the grease enough for it to enter the wastewater system, where it re-congeals and hardens leading to clogged pipes and sewer backups.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA)
Never use chemical solvents, hot water, or caustic or emulsifying solutions to clean out grease traps.

Town of Banff
The Town strongly discourages the use of enzymes, chemicals and bacteria treatment to your trap, because it serves to delay the solidification of FOG - the clog often happens further along the pipes
Non-compliance with regulations Commercial kitchens that do not meet the regulations may be subject to re-inspection fees of up to $300. Certain violations - such as not having a grease interceptor - now carry a minimum fine of $2,000.
Grease Trap Chemicals & Bacterias

Grease Trap cleaning should never include Grease Trap Bacterias, enzymes, chemicals or microbial agents. The hidden costs of grease trap additives are never printed on the label. Plumbers never guarantee the effectiveness of grease trap bacterias. The leading restaurant injuries result from hot grease burns and eye injuries from chemical splashes.
Major reasons for disallowing grease trap chemicals are employee health hazards, sewer pipe corrosion, and the harm to natural bacteria that eat grease and oils in passive grease traps. Grease Trap Enzymes have no affect on food solids. Food Solids remain in passive grease interceptors until removed.
Grease Trap additives keep restaurant grease liquefied long enough to build grease blockages downstream of the grease trap or grease interceptor. The dilution of the chemicals allows for restaurant grease to congeal and decrease pipe capacity, causing grease blockages and sanitary sewer overflows. Health Boards have heard grease trap chemical manufacturers make many environmental claims for enzyme and grease trap bacteria products. There is no proven or positive environmental evidence of grease trap bacterias or enzymes successfully eliminating brown grease, and food solids in passive grease traps and interceptors.
Testing results from an accredited independant lab on the effectiveness of grease trap bacterias, enzymes, chemicals or additives have yet to be published.
Grease Trap Treatments & Degreasers
Plant-based grease trap treatments break down the carbon bonds in restaurant grease. After liquefying the grease, the "green" chemicals make it easier for the grease to flow into the septic tank or sewer system. The restaurant grease hardens downstream from the grease trap. A septic system will become ineffective due to grease blockages and clogs. Anti-bacterial soaps used in commercial kitchens kill grease trap bacterial treatments rendering them useless.
Drain Cleaners - Bleach & Chlorine

At Nursing homes, odours are a challenge as is grease blockages. Chlorine is commonly used to combat odours and grease blockages. The smell of chlorine does not make for a sanitary, or grease free environment. Bleach does not kill the bacteria in grease traps or drains. Chlorine does not degrade grease or food solids in grease traps, pipes, or drain blockages.
Microbial Population Enhancers
The newest grease trap additive is natural microbial population enhancers or simply microbial products. A microbial population enhancer manufacturer claims their grease trap additives are "Proven through University Studies and Real-World Applications to Enhance Biological Efficiency". These grease trap products reportedly are made from unique and powerful peat extract. These natural grease trap additives have never been tested by a third party accredited facility.
The common result of grease trap bacterias is literally a time bomb. The contents of a grease trap are changing by the hour. The time frame may be a week or a month but eventually the pipes from the grease trap to the sanitary sewer will be blocked. The grease that adheres to the pipes becomes hard as a rock. Grease blockages at this level are expensive to remove.

Grease Trap Chemicals are frequently sold by Large Oranizations in jurisdictions where they are banned or not recommended for use. Grease Trap Bylaws and Compliances were passed to control what goes down the Drain. The restauranteur is still responsible for the municapal bylaw fines and the sanitary sewer clean-up.

All Grease trap additives must have a MSDS sheet listing composition and safety instructions. MSDS's information includes toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, and storage. Are grease trap chemicals, enzymes, and bacteria suitable for your budget, water supply, staff health, and kitchen environment?
Grease Trap Enzymes - Toxic, Ineffective, and Costly
Grease Trap Bacteria - Significant Recurring Expense