Grease Trap Compliance

The estimated cause of sanitary sewer overflows from restaurant grease blockages is 54% in the USA and Canada.
Grease blockages cause raw sewage from the sanitary sewer to overflow into the storm sewer system, public land, and private properties. The storm sewers flow directly into our natural waterways. Raw sewage contains bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that lead to serious illness and potential death. Salmonella, Tetanus, Hepatitis A, and E.coli are disease that stem from raw sewage. Raw sewage should never flow into our lakes and streams. Storm sewers were designed and built to alleviate the run-off water from rain and snow. Restaurant grease discharged into the sanitary sewer was never a thought.
Fats, oils, and Grease (FOG) are the No. 1 cause of untreated sewage overflows. The result is bordering 10 BILLION GALLONS of raw sewage spills annually. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
A Grease Ordinance is designed and developed to regulate discharges into a city's sewer system. Key elements of a functional and practical grease ordinance or grease trap ordinance are:
- clearly defined grease and sewer definitions
- grease recovery equipment requirements
- appropriate fines and enforcement
- violation and penalty information
- regular servicing and inspection
- maintain grease trap maintenance log
- certification of waste grease haulers
- the ban of grease trap enzymes and bacterias
- foodservice educational materials
The taxpayer's costs for public works infrastructure repairs from restaurant grease is an extreme financial burden to every city and town in the USA and Canada. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent annually on sanitary sewer repairs, pumping station repairs, and raw sewage spill clean-ups from grease blockages. These costs are unnecessary and controllable.
Our clean water supply and natural water systems must never be compromised - at any cost.
As of June 2012 We have stopped entering grease and grease trap related news links. We believe the 100 or so posts makes the message clear that better technology more than the passive grease trap or grease interceptor is required for grease free sanitary sewer systems. Enjoy!
Residents warned about sewage spill - June 2012
North Charleston, South Carolina - About 4,500 gallons of sewage began spilling from a manhole near the Brackenbrook Apartments. Officials expect grease caused the blockage but aren't sure. It is unknown how much sewage, if any, reached the nearby Ashley River.
Grease Trap Dispute Clogs Approval - June 2012
Upper Saucon Township, Pennsylvania - Charles Steele, the social quarters secretary, testified at Monday's hearing that he does not believe a 2,500-gallon grease trap the size the township is requiring is necessary. He also said that in his research of grease traps, he found information that claims a grease interceptor that is too large can cause damage to pipes. Timothy Kiriposki, a member of Upper Saucon Social Quarters and a professional at cleaning grease traps, also testified at the hearing, saying the only time small grease traps do not work is if they are never cleaned. It is estimated it would cost between $10,000 and $15,000 to purchase the township-approved trap. The smaller traps are substantially less -- an estimated $4,000 to $8,000.
EPA reprimands Springfield - May 2012
Springfield, Tennessee - The Environmental Protection Agency has notified the City of Springfield it is in violation of the Clean Water Act and immediately needs to fix its sewer system. The federal agency will give the municipality no more than five years to reconstruct and free its sewer of overflows caused by rainwater, roots, grease and other blockages. Lemasters said anytime there is an overflow into the sewer system, raw sewage discharges into the county's creeks and rivers.Lemasters said the FOG program, with cooperation of all city restaurants, is already in the works. "We are contacting all of our restaurants, letting them know we will be inspecting them and requiring them that if they do any cooking at all, they will have to put in a grease trap," he said.
Wastewater Plants Passing Grade - May 2012
Dothan, Alabama - Dothan has been in trouble with the Environmental Protection Agency since the Beaver Creek plant became unable to handle flows during heavy rainfall, triggering numerous sanitary system overflows (SSOs), which are instances in which raw sewage discharges from the sewer system. Most of the SSOs were caused by grease clogging the lines. Grease has long been a culprit of SSOs. It sticks to the sewer lines and eventually causes a clog, much like cholesterol clogs a person's arteries. Repairing or maintaining sewer lines clogged by grease can be very costly to the city. One overflow from the Little Choctawhatchee plant did result in a major discharge of an estimated 396,000 gallons on Horace Shepherd Road. The incident happened Feb. 20, 2011, and the cause of the overflow was listed as a grease blockage.
Crews work on grease-clogged sewer - April 2012
Lancaster, New York - Lancaster's sanitary sewer system clogged Monday because of illegally dumped cooking grease, and Department of Public Works crews and a private contractor were working into the night to prevent flooding. The cooking grease likely comes from a restaurant in the village improperly disposing of the waste in Lancaster's sewer system. Mayor William G. Cansdale Jr. directed the code enforcement officer to investigate the source of the clog. Further, the grease is so compacted that standard measures to blast out the clog in the sanitary sewer weren't working, the mayor said.
Restaurants Clogging City Sewers - April 2012
Dickinson, North Dakota - City officials in Dickinson say sewers are being clogged by grease dumped down drains by restaurants. City Engineer Shawn Soehren says a recent large grease blockage in a sewer main caused some backups. The city's wastewater backup fund has less than $66,000 and can pay up to $7,500 for each claim. The engineering department has an idea where the grease is coming from, but Soehren would not specify which restaurants are responsible.
Colorado company defrauds restaurants - April 2012
Grand Junction, Colorado - Pro Grease Trap Services, based out of Centennial, Colorado, was supposed to empty the grease traps at several restaurants right here Grand Junction. Instead, they would drain the traps low enough to where it looked like they were empty and then take before and after photos. According to an indictment, the company would then move their work truck and then dump waste back into the restaurants grease traps. Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Famous Dave's and Chipotle in Grand Junction were all using Pro Grease Trap's service, as well as Persigo Waste Water Plant Pretreatment Division. The company's owners, Frank Brandse and Erica Wicklund- Brandse, face six years in prison and $500,000 in fines if convicted on four class- four felonies, including theft, forgery, computer crime and attempt to influence a public servant.
Calgary Owner Facing Huge Fine - April 2012
Calgary, Alberta - The co-owner of a southwest restaurant faces $56,780 in fines being convicted of 54 Alberta Health Act charges for unsanitary and unsafe conditions at the now-defunct eatery. (Wicked Chili restaurant at 507 17th Ave. S.W) "There was raw sewage and grease several inches deep, and an old door was being used as a bridge to walk across the sewage to reach a place to sleep," said the judge.
Wastewater Spills in Thomasville - April 2012
Lexington, North Carolina - The estimated total volume in gallons was 9,500 of untreated wastewater. The wastewater came from a manhole by Maiden Park Drive and spilled into Hanks Branch Creek in the Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basin. Crews worked for over two hours to break up a grease blockage in the line that caused the spill. The Division of Water Quality was notified of the event on Monday and is reviewing the matter.
Metro Vancouver ponders solutions - April 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia - Metro Vancouver may consider charging restaurants a flat fee or user-polluter charges to deal with the problem of grease being dumped down drains - a practice that costs the regional district $2 million a year in clogged pipes. Metro Vancouver already requires restaurants to install grease traps to collect oil and grease from its kitchens. But only about 10 per cent of Metro's 3,000 restaurants and commercial kitchens now comply with the grease trap regulations, which are enforced by local municipalities. The regional district can take non-complying restaurants to court.
Fast food giant fined over fat spill - April 2012
Dunedin, New Zealand - Restaurant Brands has been fined $15,000 for a spill of oil and fats from one of its Dunedin fast food outlets. It was the first conviction under the Resource Management Act for the company, which has 88 KFC, Starbucks and Pizza Hut outlets throughout the country. On October 8 last year, the grease trap at KFC discharged fats and oils into the car park. These drained to a sump, then flowed into a gutter and into a stream. A customer alerted staff to the spill on the Saturday night but no action was taken. On the Monday, the grease trap was pumped out. Restaurant Brands was convicted and fined $15,000.
Grease main culprit in sewer spills - March 2012
Atlanta, Georgia - Sanitary Sewer Systems across metro Atlanta, which collectively touch more than 3.3 million residents, are spending tens of millions of dollars in routine maintenance to avoid spills and expensive repairs that lead to higher bills and taxes. Grease was the culprit behind 73 percent of the county's spills last year. Last year, about 86,000 gallons of waste spilled in Cobb, Georgia - just 4 percent of the 2 million gallons of raw sewage that fouled DeKalb's local streams and rivers. Gwinnett, Georgia spends nearly $300,000 a year on grease education. South River are often off-limits for swimming or wading because of sewer spills.
Sewer spills into McAlpine Creek twice - March 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina - Two sewer spills last week reached south Charlottes McAlpine Creek. An estimated 5,350 gallons of wastewater reached the creek March 13 near the 1800 block of Village Lake Drive. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities officials say kitchen grease and debris caused the blockage. Crews responded to the scene within 50 minutes and started cleaning up. One dead fish was found in McAlpine Creek after the spill.
2,000 gallon overflow of water - March 2012
Chapel Hill, North Carolina - Orange Water and Sewer Authority responded Wednesday to a 2,000 gallon wastewater overflow in Chapel Hills Colony Lake neighborhood. The overflow was caused when grease blocked a sewer. The wastewater flowed into a pond near a manhole.
Pipe up about grease trap dilemma - March 2012
Fitchburg, Massachusetts - Fitchburg Wastewater Commissioner Joseph Jordan said it's a real problem, because large volumes of hot grease can overwhelm the grease traps hooked up to restaurant sinks and slip into the sewer. Patrick Griffin, vice president of sales and marketing for Fore Green Solutions in Leominster, sells what he refers to as "grease recovery devices." "The only thing we're putting into the ground is clean water," said Griffin. He said the outdoor devices installed under the pavement are the ones that get overwhelmed. His office on Hamilton Street has deep fryers, rotisseries and combination ovens hooked up to demonstrate the grease recovery process. Grease and water go through a basket that filters out solid chunks. The liquids then travel to a heated pan with a carefully weighted plastic ball. Grease is lighter than water and will rise to the top. The ball will float on water but sink in grease and will form a seal around a hole to let water in, but keep grease out. Once separated, the grease is stored in a collection cassette. "This forces people to maintain it," said Griffin. He said the collection area should be cleaned at the end of every day and will overflow if ignored. Griffin said larger volumes of grease need larger grease recovery devices to keep from being overwhelmed. He said restaurants have to pay to dispose of small amounts of recovered grease, but there are biofuel companies that will pick it up for free or even pay for it if the volume is high enough. "There's a problem, and we have a solution," he said. He is in the process of setting up a demonstration with the plumbing inspectors of Fitchburg and Leominster.
Sports bar closed after health scare - March 2012
Half Moon Bay, California - The HMB Sports Bar was ordered to temporarily close down last week after sewage was found backing up in its kitchen, causing a risk of contaminated food. The restaurant had a clogged grease trap that caused sewage to overflow into its cooking area, creating an immediate threat to public health. Sports bar owner Samuel Erlich must now face a formal county hearing in the coming days, which could result in fines or the suspension of his food permit.
Raw sewage spills into street - March 2012
Surrey, England - Raw sewage has been bubbling up into a road for the past two weeks to the disgust of residents. The waste is currrently seeping from one manhole cover in Preston Lane, Tadworth, and attempts by Thames Water to fix the problem have failed. A full clean of the sewer pipe, nearly 300m in length, to remove the fat and grease that is causing this blockage. It may pour down the sink easy enough, but when it hits the sewer it gets cold and forms hideous 'fatbergs' which block the network and causes the waste to back-up.
Sewage Spill on Hutchinson Island - March 2012
Savannah, Georgia - The city of Savannah responded to a minor sewage release Sunday morning. Crews were alerted to an overflowing manhole caused by a system discharge due to a grease blockage at 2 Resort Drive on Hutchinson Island. An estimated 250 gallons discharged into a storm catch basin before the correction was made. The City Fats Oils and Grease Team was notified and will conduct an investigation to determine the source of the grease.
Dumping causes sewer overflow - March 2012

Tyrone, Georgia -
Sewer openings showed that someone had dumped an unknown
quantity of grease into a manhole cover in the Publix Shopping Center. Meantime, WASA staff determined that the grease
flowing into the system had clogged the lift station near the church and prevented it from functioning properly. The
overflow from the manhole cover by the church driveway was the result, Perkins said.
The pump station by Living Proof Church handles an estimated average of 40,000-60,000 gallons per day.
Sewage Overflow in Pawtucket - March 2012
Providence, Rhode Island - The Department of Environmental Management announces that the Conimicut Triangle and Area A of Upper Narragansett Bay will be closed to shellfishing beginning at noon today. The closure is being enacted after receiving a report of a significant but unknown quantity of raw sewage entering the Seekonk River due to a sewage overflow from the Narragansett Bay wastewater collection system. Officials from Narragansett Bay Commission staff discovered the overflow from the Bucklin Point sewer system, began emergency disinfection with chlorine, alerted DEM and cleared the blockage, ending the bypass.
Spills reach south Charlotte creeks - Feb 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities officials say more than 2,000 gallons of wastewater spilled from the sewer Feb. 16 and into Little Hope Creek. Kitchen grease caused the blockage, in the 1100 block of Scaleybark Road, according to utilities officials. An estimated 2,280 gallons of wastewater got into the creek. Clean-up crews arrived with 37 minutes, and no dead fish were found in the creek. Another spill, Feb. 17, reached McAlpine Creek. Officials say a kitchen grease and debris blockage caused roughly 3,475 gallons of wastewater to spill from the sewer. Crews arrived at the spill within 29 minutes, and no dead fish were found.
Man Charged in Greasy Norwalk Theft - Feb 2012
Norwalk, Connecticut - A New York man was arrested by Norwalk police Tuesday in the theft of a valuable restaurant commodity - grease. Andrew Carnegie, 38, of Yonkers, pulled his white van up behind the Five Guys restaurant and took grease in full view of a restaurant employee, Westport police Sgt. said. Carnegie's van is equipped with two 275-gallon containers and a gas operated pump. The van was confiscated and was in the police headquarters parking lot Wednesday morning. The running board was coated with grease. Carnegie's actions were recorded by a surveillance camera at the restaurant. Police were given the footage on a flash drive.
Opelika Approves Grease Ordinance - Feb 2012
Opelika, Alabama - The council approved an ordinance that city leaders hope will help prevent blockages in the city's sewer system caused by grease. The ordinance sets a grease management policy for restaurants that requires them to apply for a food service establishment permit from the city and to use a grease interceptor or grease trap. Mike Hilyer, Opelika's director of public works, estimated about 98 percent of the city's restaurants use a grease trap of some sort, but he said the grease that does reach the sewer system causes "tremendous problems." A grease build-up can reduce the flow of an 8-inch pipe to 2 inches.
45,000 Gallons Of Sewage Overflows - Feb 2012
Greer, South Carolina - Tens of thousands of gallons of raw sewage spilled into an Upstate creek late last week. The Greer Commission of Public Works says a grease blockage caused 35,000 gallons of waste to overflow into a tributary of Frohawk Creek. On Friday, another 10,000 gallons was spilled downstream on the same sanitary sewer line.
Sewage spills in Eau Claire area - Feb 2012
Eau Claire, South Carolina - Grease blocked a sewage line leading to a spill in the Eau Claire area Thursday, according to Columbia's wastewater management division. City workers began clearing the blockage soon after the spill was noticed. The spill wasn't more than a trickle, but since there was no way to know when it started, the city will list the volume as more than 5,000 gallons
Grease Spills from Fairborn to Dayton - Feb 2012
Dayton, Ohio - A truck disposing of used animal fat and grease from two local fast food restaurants left a mess on several roadways Thursday when a valve was left open while the truck was rolling along. A spokesman for Showcase Enterprises, the Indiana company tasked with the cleanup along with the Ohio EPA, said more than 100 gallons of grease was spilled over an area of about 10 to 13 miles of road between Fairborn and Dayton. The result created black ice-like conditions. The EPA had vacuummed more than 100 gallons of grease from the area around the Fairborn restaurant.
OWASA responds to sewer flood - Feb 2012
Orange County, North Carolina - OWASA estimated the volume of the overflow was about 200 gallons based on the known duration, and was most likely a result of an accumulation of grease that blocked the flow of water. The spill occurred in the Booker Creek drainage basin and OWASA crew disinfected and flushed the area with water. OWASA reported the spill to the N.C. Division of Water Quality, which is reviewing the matter.
Baltimore County's Grease Map - Jan 2012
Baltimore County, Maryland - There were 158 sewage overflows in Baltimore County in 2011, ranging from a trickle to millions of gallons, according to a database maintained by Maryland Department of the Environment.

The most common cause of sewage overflows is lines clogged with fats, oils and grease, known in public works-speak as FOG. Fats and grease congeal in drain pipes and sewage lines, according to sanitary engineers, contributing to overflows during heavy rainfall. As part of the settlement, Baltimore County agreed to develop a plan to prevent sewage overflows. Officials are required to keep track of grease-generating facilities (GGFs) in the county, which are a source of FOG. According to public works officials, restaurants are the most common commercial sources of FOG. Restaurants are required to have grease traps, and can face fines for waste violations, but sanitary engineers said that some spillage of FOG down drains happens anyway. The map above shows the location of grease-generating facilities in Baltimore County. Not surprisingly, GGFs cluster very closely around major streets. According to public works officials, GGFs also correlate very closely to neighborhoods with chronic sewage overflows.
Grease clogs sewer line - Jan 2012
Columbia, South Carolina - The spill, caused by a grease blockage, was discovered around 10:30 a.m.. It sent sewage into Smith Branch near Clement Road, just a few hundred yards from where the creek dumps into the Broad River just above the Columbia Canal diversion dam, according to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. People walking their dogs along the trails at Riverfront Park might want to keep the dogs from drinking from the canal or river.
Grease causes Sanitary Sewer Overflow - Jan 2012
Richland County, South Carolina - This sanitary sewer overflow was caused by an abundance of grease and a root blockage of the collection system which led to a surcharging manhole. As a result, it is believed that an excess of 5,000 gallons of untreated wastewater was introduced into a drainage canal.
Vandals Force Restaurant to Close - Jan 2012
College Station, Texas - The Newk's Express Cafe on University Drive shut down on Monday morning after employees found the restaurant's grease traps filled with rock hard concrete. The restaurant reopened on Tuesday but repairing the damage and lost sales cost the restaurant close to $10,000.
20,000-gallon sewer overflow - Jan 2012
Mobile, Alabama - The Mobile Area Water & Sewer System responded to a sanitary sewer overflow today where about 19,945 gallons of waste water overflowed because of a grease blockage, health officials said. Water and sewer system crews have cleared the blockage and are taking steps to prevent future overflows at the location, according to David Mann, a spokesman for the Mobile County Health Department.
Sewer spills into Four Mile creek - Dec 2011
Charlotte, North Carolina - A grease blockage caused more than 4,000 gallons of wastewater to spill from the sewer Dec. 12 and into Four Mile Creek. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department spokesperson Cam Coley said roughly 4,230 gallons of wastewater spilled in the 4900 block of Whitmore Pond Lane. Kitchen grease and debris caused the blockage. Crews got to the spill within 39 minutes. No dead fish were found.
Sewer main discharges 20,000 gallons - Dec 2011
Florence, South Carolina - About 11 a.m. Tuesday an estimated 20,000 gallons of wastewater were discharged from manhole near 1153 Day St. The City of Florence was notified of a potential wastewater spill and the Utility Department's collection operations crew investigated the report and found a blockage, composed mainly of grease, in the sewer main. On Wednesday morning, a utility crew will return to the site to clean and disinfect the affected area, and make structural repairs to the manhole. The cleanup and repairs were completed by noon Tuesday.
Sewage Closes Pataskala Daycare - Dec 2011
PATASKALA, Ohio - A sewage backup earlier this week closed a Pataskala daycare center and left dozens of parents looking for child care. According to the utilities director, a grease blockage clogged the pipe Monday and rags continued to back it up. Libbey Qurshi, the other owner, said the blockage has cost the center $15,000 so far.
Trouble is going down the drain - Dec 2011
Corpus Christie, Texas - A resident in a neighborhood adjacent to a strip mall is concerned about frequent sewer problems related to grease that he suspects comes from nearby restaurants. "The sewer system gets plugged up with large hunks of grease," Stesch said city workers told him. The city's grease program is called the Fats, Roots, Oils and Grease (FROG) Program. It not only requires the city's annual inspection of restaurants, but their owners and managers must keep and provide a log of pumping company cleaning dates, amounts and the size of their grease interceptor. The program is detailed in the city's code of ordinances Chapter 55, related to commercial and industrial waste disposal and pretreatment.
Businesses Closed After Sewage Leak - Dec 2011
Springfield, Missouri - After an investigation, the city concluded grease was the source of the spill. It then went to three restaurants up-pipe and asked them to start cleaning their grease traps more frequently in hopes this would help avoid the disaster that ended in action against the city. Zeb Thomas is one of two people who have filed claims because of the spill. He says at times human waste was up to six inches deep at the All-Star Barber Shop. The sewage contaminated almost every thing it touched.
Cutting through the FOG - Nov 2011
Houston, Texas - But perhaps the most important plumbers in Houston are the crews working for the city's Public Works Department. As holiday revelers flush their leftovers and garbage down disposals, this crew is charged with the unenviable task of clearing fats, oils and grease out of the city's sewer system. Grease clogging sewage lines is a problem throughout the year, but it gets worse in winter. Busting up the solidified grease and sucking it out of the sewage system gets expensive. Houston city officials say they spend about a million taxpayer dollars a year cleaning up the mess caused mainly by careless chefs, especially kitchen workers at restaurants. Just one of the trucks used for the operation costs about $400,000.
Gary school evacuated because of fumes - Nov 2011
Gary, Indiana - School officials evacuated some students and teachers from the north side of the West Side Leadership Academy on Wednesday after complaints of a pungent odor in the building surfaced. The problem originated in the pipes coming from the cafeteria area at the Gary high school, spokeswoman Sarita Stevens said. There was a backup of grease and oil in the pipes, she said. The grease trap between drain lines and sanitary sewer lines allows for the separation and collection of fats, oils and greases from used water, preventing such materials from entering the municipal sewer system. Backups and foul odors can occur if grease levels get too high and block lines. Stevens said when plumbers began cleaning the pipes, school workers turned on the exhaust fans to dissipate the odor but the fans circulated the odor throughout the area.
446,000 gallons sewage spilled - Nov 2011
Baltimore, Maryland - A sewer overflow in Southwest Baltimore spilled an estimated 446,000 gallons of untreated waste into the Gwynns Falls on Sunday, city officials reported Monday. Department of Public Works spokesman says officials suspect the 27-inch main overflowed because of an as-yet unidentified blockage. The overflow at Wilkens Avenue and South Dukeland Street was reported around 3 p.m. Sunday, and continued until public works crews were able to divert the sewage flow to another line around 11:15 p.m.
First Flight On Frying Pan Grease - Nov 2011
Seattle, Washington - Alaska Airlines launched its first commercial test-flight from Seattle to Washington D.C. partially running on cooking oil. This was just the first of 75 flights the airline plans to operate using a blend of 80% conventional jet fuel and 20% cooking oil. The sustainable substitute costs six times as much as traditional aviation fuel and only cuts greenhouse gas emissions by 10% on each flight.
Grease Balls Clogging Sewers - Nov 2011

Elmhurst, Illinois - Grease boulders get caught in the sanitary sewer system and cause back-ups and other costly problems. The city of Elmhurst wants to better inform operators of restaurants about the need to keep their grease traps clean and prevent the boulders from getting into the sewers. Recently, the city discovered two grease boulders in the system. Workers were able to remove them before they got to the waste water treatment plant. The city uses cameras to view the lines and determine where obstructions are occurring.Anyone who is cited for violating the ordinance on keeping traps clean is subject to fines that range from $50 to $500 per incident, according to the ordinance.
Sewer line stoppage causes overflow - Oct 2011
Lincoln, Nebraska - The Wastewater Division got a call from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department about a possible overflow at about 11:30 a.m. Officials said an accumulation of greasy deposits and tree roots in the collection system line caused the stoppage and overflow near 66th Street and Artisan Way. The volume of overflow was estimated at 2,000 gallons. Mike Mandery, assistant superintendent of Wastewater Collection, said most clogs in Lincoln's wastewater system occur from oil and grease deposits from restaurants, commercial businesses and private residences.
Sewer Main Overflows - Oct 2011
Towson, Maryland - Baltimore County utility crews reported a sanitary sewer overflow of 1.16 million gallons from a 12-inch diameter sewer main near the Baltimore City-County line in the Anneslie-Idlewylde area. The overflow, which was caused by a blockage, occurred on October 12, but was not discovered until October 18 when crews investigated an odor complaint. Crews cleared the line last night at approximately 6 p.m. The Department also has a "Stream Sense" sign posted in the vicinity of the overflow. Baltimore City Health officials will also post signs notifying City residents that an advisory is in effect.
Utility Crews clean up overflow - Oct 2011
Florence, South Carolina - At approximately 3:15 PM on October 12, 2011, city personnel observed a surcharge in the sewer near 2400 David McLeod Boulevard. A utility crew was dispatched to investigate. They observed an overflow at the manhole immediately downstream and began clearing the line with a wash truck. The overflow ceased by about 4:15 PM. The blockage was due to congealed grease and oil which had been improperly discharged into the sewer system. It is estimated that 20,000 gallons were discharged from the line and entered the floodplain of Beaverdam Creek. The City of Florence sewer use ordinance prohibits the discharge of fats/oils/greases, rags, large solids and any other wastes that are detrimental to the operation of the city's sewers, pumps or treatment units.
Keeping sewage out of Puget Sound - Oct 2011
Seattle, Washington - According to SPU, CSOs occur an average of 318 times per year during wet weather. In 2010, approximately 190 million gallons of untreated raw sewage and stormwater discharged at 47 of the 90 CSO outfalls managed by the utility. ... Seattle's Best ... 2009 ? ... 2011 ? CSO = Combined Sewer Overflow
City at odds with EPA over grease - Oct 2011
Marietta, Ohio - The issue came out of required changes to the city code that governs pretreatment of wastewater from restaurants to keep grease and oil from clogging sewer lines and out of the Ohio River. The main concern is a requirement that a minimum fine of $100 per day be charged to restaurants that fail to clean their grease traps, even if it's the establishment's first offense. The EPA rule also allows fines of up to $1,000 a day for that first offense. "The main thing is to prevent sewer backups and grease and oil from getting into the river, " Elliott said. "And we don't want to take anyone's money through fines."
Sanitary Sewer Overflows in New Jersey - Oct 2011
Hackensack, New Jersey - In New Jersey, the Passaic River was given up for dead and classified as an "industrial" river. Ohio's Cuyahoga River went one better and actually caught fire in 1968. In those days, if a person or animal accidentally fell into an urban body of water, the resulting sickness and infection could even prove fatal. New Jersey sewer overflows spew 28 billion gallons of raw, untreated, infectious and disgusting waste into the Delaware, Passaic, Hackensack, Raritan and Hudson rivers and into all the waterways within the New York-New Jersey Harbor estuary. ... You are allowed to use grease trap chemicals and additives in New Jersey. They even promote them there ... Sad
Blocked sewer wastewater release - Sept 2011
Jefferson City, Missouri - The Department of Natural Resources is overseeing the cleanup of an undetermined amount of wastewater released to a Rolla stream after a blocked sewer main resulted in a sewer overflow. Crews have also dammed the creek and are using vacuum trucks to clean up identified pools of wastewater. Areas affected around the manhole have been disinfected with lime. City crews cleared the obstruction in the sewer and stopped the overflow Thursday afternoon. The amount of wastewater released and the length of time the overflow occurred is unknown. ... Missouri, New Jersey, Florida, California, Manitoba .... seems like most states and provinces with similiar issues ... scary
Another Sanitary Sewer Spill - Sept 2011
Baltimore, Maryland - Baltimore County's Department of Public Works reported more than 500,000 gallons of untreated sewage spilled out Saturday morning near the Patapsco pumping station in Baltimore Highlands. County officials estimated 85 million gallons of diluted but raw sewage spilled into the Patapsco during the original pipe rupture, which took nearly a week to fix. Another 13.6 million gallons spilled into the river when power went out. ... Unfortunately, sanitary sewer overflows occur daily in the USA and Canada .... This is all mind boggling
Bylaw grease interceptors mandatory - Sept 2011
Sudbury, Ontario - The City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario announced this week its new municipal wastewater collection and treatment services bylaw prohibits the installation of garbage grinders and disposal units while mandating the installation of certified grease interceptors and sand interceptors for certain users. If sewer discharge is found to be non-compliant with the by-law, a compliance program may be ordered. Failure to fulfill requirements of the program could result in a minimum fine of $5,000 per day. ... Great work Sudbury .... Our clean water is so important
Sewer Overflow doesnt harm water - Sept 2011
Hickory, North Carolina - A sewer overflow in Hickory earlier this week didn't harm the city's drinking water. The overflow was caused by a pipe obstruction. About 12,000 gallons spilled from the sewer main into Long View Creek, a tributary of the South Fork Henry Fork River basin, city officials said. City officials found no harm to the environment. ... Who are the city officials fooling in Hickory .... 12,000 gallon sanitary sewer overflow with no harmful affect ... come on
17 million gallons of sewage a day - Aug 2011
Baltimore, Maryland - Today the sewage still flows, the result Baltimore County's Department of Public Works says of a break in a 54 inch sewage main. How many gallons of raw sewage are pumping out of this? The line normally holds about 17 million gallons a day, that is the general flow," said DPW spokesperson David Fidler. DPW says there is no way to shut it down until crews get it fixed. ... Here is just one of many sanitary sewer overflows that happen daily ... This one is horrifying ... Meke sure the warning signs go up ...
Restaurant worker burned by grease - Aug 2011
Kansas City, Kansas - A donation fund was established today for a Kansas City, Kan., man burned by grease after a woman ran her SUV into a Church's Chicken. The woman was waiting to have her chicken delivered in the parking lot when her 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee sped north over a curb and slammed into the building, she said. That caused a grease vat to spill on Cifuentes, who was rushed to a hospital. ... Tragic, Just simply tragic ... grease burns are serious ... texting ?
Fat clogging Dublin's sewer arteries - Aug 2011

Dublin, Ireland - BLOCKAGES CAUSED by the discharge of fats, oils and grease into the capitals sewers cost some half a million euro a year to remove, according to Dublin City Council. More than a century of congealed fat built up in the citys largely Victorian sewerage system was causing serious infrastructural problems including blocked pipes, basement flooding and sewer overflows, and has even caused the shutdown of waste-water treatment works. One incident of a single fat-blocked drain in late 2007 required six weeks of work at a cost of 150,000 euro, the council said. ... Better Grease Traps, Grease Trap Ordinance, enforce the ordinance ... same problems worldwide ... politicians should google grease trap ordinance and save some time and money
Burger King shut from Bug Infestation - Aug 2011
Chicago, Illinois - Do you want flies with that? The city has closed a South Side Burger King with so many flying insects that inspectors were "afraid to open their mouths." An outside grease container was encrusted with grease on the lip and grip, and grease was found splattered on the ground and on the wall behind the container, the city said. ... The insects love the grease, inside, outside, grease interceptors, grease traps ....
Rock Hill better grease trap maintenance - Aug 2011
Rock Hill, South Carolina - "The cold grease begins to clog and get hard," he told The Herald last week. "As soon as it hits a pipe or sediment or tree root or anything that happens to be in the line that's an obstruction, it stops up. Then you get a back-up, or manholes overflow and it goes back into people's homes." The new ordinance, which goes into effect Jan. 1, will enforce inspection and place increasing fines on establishments that do not properly clean the grease traps - $250 for the first re-inspection fee, $500 for the second. The ordinance also commits a full-time staff member to conduct inspections on a routine basis. ... The grease trap ordinance will save the taxpayers thousands of dollars annually ... A grease recovery device would limit all inspections
Grease clogs a pain in the drain - July 2011
Richmond, British Columbia - In 2008, removing grease from the city's slew of sewers cost more than $310,000. But one particularly nasty clog that occurred recently in downtown Richmond cost $870,000 to fix. The clogged pipe was two feet in diameter, but its flow was reduced to four or five inches thanks to the grease which adhered to the sides of the cement pipe, like cholesterol can stick to a human heart's arteries. ... 2 foot in diameter grease blockage .... unbelievable ... maybe condos should be required to have a grease recovery device ?
Sewage spill shuts White Rock beach - July 2011
White Rock, British Columbia - Fears over a possible E. coli contamination in Semiahmoo Bay has closed White Rock beach to swimmers after a sewage overflow spilled into the waters Sunday afternoon. "We flushed out the blockage (Sunday) and, in doing the flushing, we observed a large amount of grease, so we're assuming that it was a grease buildup from food material," said Thompson. The Fraser Health Authority would like to advise anyone who was in the water Sunday to monitor themselves for gastrointestinal issues. .... The technology exists to stop this problem ..... But the grease blockage issue never seems to go away ... time to get serious about old grease trap technology
Cintas Launches Drain Line Maintainer - July 2011
Cincinatti, Ohio - Cintas' automatic DLM system consists of a 3.5-gallon pail placed under a three-compartment sink or next to a dishwasher. Installed in a matter of minutes, the system dispenses four doses of product into the main floor drain every 24 hours, seven days a week. The result is a significant reduction in the number of emergency and routine grease related pump-outs. ... I wonder what the cost is of this on-going process ... for a perpetual grease trap product ... This is from Asheville, Ohio - Grease Trap Ordinance - *The use of additives (chemical or biological) or hot water to emulsify grease and allow it to pass through a grease trap circumvents the purpose of the trap and is therefore not acceptable. ... Why do The big guys get away with this .... marketing dollars maybe ... the grease and debris hardens to the pipes sooner or later ... at a cost ... to the restaurant and taxpayer ...
Sewage Contaminates Greenville Creek - July 2011
Greneville County, South Carolina - A sewage overflow has caused the Department of Health and Environmental Controls to issue a warning for part of a creek that flows through Greenville. "That grease hardens up into a scale and it keeps adding up, and it keeps adding up and thickening up in the pipes," said Boyd Leopard, wastewater collection superintendent for the Parker Sewer System. .... South Carolina is taking the grease blockage, sewer overflow, grease trap ordinance free championship in North America ... Who cares anymore about raw sewage in the river? Let me know!
Ordinance regulating grease approved - July 2011
Princeton, Minnesota - Called the FOG ordinance - it stands for fats, oils and grease - the ordinance regulates food service establishments (FSEs) and what they must do to curb FOG materials from going into the city's wastewater lines. Greasy residue from deep fat fryers and griddles can create blockages in city wastewater mains, and at the very least cause extra work in maintaining those mains and the city's wastewater lift stations. .... Hopefully Princeton will enforce the FOG Ordinance and ban Grease Trap Chemicals ... Make the FOG ordinance effective!
Bumpy road for Sixth Street rebuild - June 2011
New Westminster, BC - The construction work underway on Sixth Street includes installation of new sewer and water mains - and grease removal. Day said the crews working on the sewer line installation found that that portions of the aging sewer line were plugged because of grease from restaurants in the 400 and 500 blocks of Sixth Street. "They found the main line was plugged solid," he said. "We spent $15,000 to clear it." "As part of the work we have found many of the sewer connections uptown have been damaged from grease from restaurants," Day said. .... Conventional Grease Traps are not working. More taxpayers' money down the drain .... again
Changes to Sewer Use Ordinance - June 2011
Athens-Clarke County, Georgia - Over the past several years, the Athens-Clarke County wastewater collection system has experienced an increase in sewer blockages and overflows due to the accumulation of grease in the system. These overflows pose a risk to human and environmental health. Additionally, Athens-Clarke County is experiencing increased costs associated with the removal of grease at its three wastewater treatment facilities. .... I am happy to see that a grease trap ordinance is on the way .... good money saving decision for all
Make sewers election issue - June 2011

Winnipeg, Manitoba - Over two-million litres of untreated sewage was discharged into the Assiniboine River last month over a five-day period. It was the largest sewage overflow in Winnipeg since the city's massive sewage spill in 2002. They found a blockage of grease and rags in the sewer that caused raw sewage to build up and overflow into the creek. It was a major screw-up and a lot crap that went into our rivers and lakes. .... 2 Million litre sanitary sewer overflow ... What is the record ... Does Winnipeg enforce their grease trap ordinance ?
Grease in Sacramento pipes costly - June 2011
Sacremento, California - A monster lurks in the sewers of Sacramento, a monster of slime. The monster burps sewage onto lawns and onto streets at unexpected moments, and devours millions of dollars annually from the budgets of cash-strapped local governments.With such problems in mind, some cities are cracking down on FOG in the pipes. This spring, San Francisco, also facing annual costs of more than $3 million, passed an ordinance targeting the problem.Restaurants, though, often fall behind in cleaning the interceptor or having it serviced. ... We have the grease trap technology .... Cities must have an enforced Grease Trap Ordinance. Restaurants must adhere to the ordinance .... $3 Million dollars .... down the drain annually.
SSO on Kalamazoo's Marketplace Blvd - May 2011
Kalamazoo, Michigan - An estimated 25 gallons of sewage was released from a manhole on Marketplace Boulevard this morning, following a sanitary-sewer overflow caused by a build-up of grease. Staff removed the built-up grease and cleaned up the 25 gallons of material that was contained within the curb. ... The Sanitary Sewer Staff in Kalamazoo are quick .... a 25 Gallon SSO is extremely small
Keep sewers free of grease and clogging - May 2011
Medford, Oregon - Fats, oils and grease have been blamed for clogging arteries, so it's no surprise they can also plug neighborhood sewer lines. As a result, local sewer officials are stepping up efforts to enforce grease collection at the major sources in the valley - restaurants, coffee shops and bakeries. The grease can stop a drain - and block sewers. About two years ago, a sewer line overflowed onto a field in White City. Thick gobs of fat adhere to pumps and other equipment used along the more than 400 miles of lines in Rogue Valley Sewer's system. ... a grease trap ordinance is a must .... grease education is extremely important too ... Hurray Medford
City confronts grease-clogged pipes - May 2011
Issaquah, Washington - Concealed beneath city streets, deep inside municipal pipes, grease congeals into blobs and causes blockages. Then, bacteria feed on the goo and release a corrosive byproduct as the material is digested. The resulting repairs or replacement can carry a substantial price tag. If the ooze is not discovered in the city pipes and instead reaches the King County-operated South Treatment Plant in Renton, crews must scrape out the gunk by hand. In order to stop grease from entering the sewer system, the ordinance focuses on education for business owners and sets guidelines for installing equipment to catch grease. ... Grease blockages cause sanitray sewer overflows .... honest ... no magic solutions .... grease trap ordinance
City Resumes River Sewage Warnings - May 2011
Portland, Oregon - People who fish are also advised to wash their hands following contact with the water, and to thoroughly cook fish caught in the Willamette River or Columbia Slough to kill bacteria. The city issues the sewage alerts every year from May 15 to October 15. ... 5 Months of the year ... crap ... I hope no one eats the fish they catch .... clean hands or not
New Sewage Law in Effect - May 2011
San Francisco, California - San Francisco's 2011 FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease) Control Ordinance mandates all food service establishments in the city to install grease capturing equipment in order to filter grease from going down the drains and clogging the underground sewage system, which costs the city $3.5 million to clear every year. Sewage clogs cause a variety of problems for the city, including street flooding during rainy seasons and waste water backups in residences, which pose a risk to public health. ... Taxpayers 0 Sanitary Sewer System 35 million .... and restaurants complain about a grease trap ordinance
Raw sewage flows into Halifax harbour - May 2011
Halifax, Nova Scotia - Halifax Water spokesman James Campbell said Thursday that sewage has been pumped into the harbour as part of normal design. Halifax pumped raw sewage into the harbour for decades before opening a $55 million treatment plant in 2008, followed by the opening of harbour beaches to much fanfare. ... Raw sewage going into Halifax Harbour is normal design .... Who designed this system?
Raw Sewage into the Ottawa River - May 2011
Ottawa, Ontario - For the third straight day, May showers sent raw sewage flowing into the Ottawa River. The City estimates Wednesday's rainfall caused a combined sewer overflow of 3.8 million litres of raw sewage and untreated stormwater to flow into the historic waterway. Over 15 million litres of contaminated water has flowed into the Ottawa River through the first four days of May. Another 200 million litres of sewage and stormwater flowed into the river in April due to heavy rain. ... Raw sewage from the sewer into the Ottawa River .... Ottawa, Whats going on?
Sewage overflow to stop - May 2011
Augusta, Georgia - With more than 100 sanitary sewer overflows since August 2004, a $45,402 fine could have been much higher had Augusta Utilities not agreed to address the overflows' cause, according to Utilities Director Tom Wiedmeier. The latest, an April 28 overflow, sent 1,920 gallons of rainwater containing raw sewage into a Goshen Plantation pond. Wiedmeier said about 80 percent of the overflows are caused by roots, grease buildup or a combination of the two. ... Grease Blockages are not new. The Grease Recovery Device technology exists. Grease Trap ordinance and sewer bylaws must be in place and enforced ... Simple.
Biofuel bandits steal fast food grease - Apr 2011
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Albuquerque police arrested a 45 year old after pumping grease from another company's dumpster into the grease tank on his truck. Police expect more of the grease-theft type of crime as gas prices climb relentlessly toward $4 a gallon. ... If all waste vegetable oil disposal companies were government certified as part of the cities grease trap ordinance then we would know who is stealing
Super-sized Sign critiques Sewer System - Apr 2011
Moss Point, Mississippi - A Moss Point restaurant owner says five days of dealing with raw sewage has him fed up with the city. Moss Point's Public Works Superintendent Cephus Finklea said lots of grease from Craft's restaurant was clogging the sewer line. Public Works said it will continue to monitor and clean the sewage lines over the next few days to make sure the problem doesn't pop up again. ... A Little confusing ... A Restaurant causes a grease blockage and sanitary sewer overflow .... and the restaurant is pissed off at Public Works .... hmm
Columbus fined $150K for sewer spills - Apr 2011
Columbus, Georgia - Columbus has agreed to pay the state $150,000 for sewer spills that happened in one of the rainiest years on record, a city official said. In June 2009, a spill sent close to 26,000 gallons of sewage into a drain that leads into Weracoba Creek. Grease in the sewer is a problem for us. ... 26,000 gallons = 277,333 cans of beer - Grease Trap Ordinance time maybe
Bacon fat clogs Bedford sewage pipes - Apr 2011
Halifax, Nova Scotia - Halifax Water spokesman James Campbell said crews sent cameras down manholes, and discovered the problem was created by bacon fat. The cameras sent back images of thick, white congealed fat, oil and grease. Residents of one house told CBC News that their basement was destroyed when Halifax Water brought in hoses to blast through the congealed mess. Their insurance company is now fighting with the city over who should pay. ... Grease is fun and games until your basement is full of feces
Grease clogging up new sewer plant - Apr 2011

Bayfield, Colorado - Bayfield may have a new $7 million sewage treatment plant, but the system still has problems - namely grease that glops up the system and has to be removed by plant workers to avoid discharge permit violations. The town board approved updates to the town's grease trap ordinance in March, to require more business accountability for grease trap and interceptor maintenance. The intention is to seek voluntary compliance first. Grease violators could foul up the treatment plant, and that will cost everyone in town. There are just a few. We've issued fines two weeks in a row on one. Their grease trap is full, and it's all just going down the sewer. ... a Grease trap ordinance, no compliance, many warnings, shut off the water, we are all affected by this nonsense
Village agree on grease regulations - Apr 2011
Ruidoso, New Mexico - The efforts to keep grease from the system has been heightened as a new sewage treatment plant will have increased intolerance to grease and other materials that could clog expensive filters at the plant. Armstrong said the city would do everything humanly possible to keep grease out of the new treatment plant. The amendments included a provision to shut off the water of those who fail to comply with grease trap enforcement. ... $200,000 to replace a filters in the new sewage treatment plant. Yes, a serious grease trap ordinance is required
Stink At School Sends Kids Home Early - Apr 2011
New Orleans, Louisiana - The school closed its doors last-minute because of a smell caused by a backup in its grease trap behind the school cafeteria. The smell resembled that of strong, raw sewage and caused some people to get sick with headaches. ... A grease trap backup sends 520 students home with headaches ... What is the true cost?
Grease down drain will get more costly - Apr 2011
Portland, Oregon - Even less attractive is a sewer pipe clogged with fat, oil and grease - especially when that causes a sewage backup at uphill homes and businesses. Fats, oil and grease often act as a glue with other material obstructing sewer pipes, such as construction debris going down the storm drain or roots protruding into the sewer lines. ... Foodservice establishmnets must be responsible for the grease they discharge into the sanitary sewer.
Dispose of grease, oil properly - Apr 2011
Guam, USA - Out of sight beneath your feet, fatty gelatinous buildup chokes off sewage pipes like clogged arteries, threatening to bring wastewater no one wants to see back to the surface. School cafeterias and small- to mid-sized restaurants, which create the largest problems with fat, oil and grease, are supposed to regularly clean grease traps, but many dont. Individual residents are supposed to wait for fats and grease to congeal, then dispose of the solid mess in a landfill. ... Best restaurant grease description ever.
Sewer overflow in Clinton cleaned up - Apr 2011
Washington, Maryland - The area near Piscataway Creek in Clinton has now been cleared after a sanitary sewer overflow Thursday that released approximately 25,000 gallons of untreated wastewater, said Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission officials Friday. Lewis said. "Often if a pipe gets clogged from various debris, grease or even a tree root that grows into the pipe, it can cause blockage. ... The US capital has sanitary sewer overflows from restaurant grease too.
Grease Trap Gets Pizza Spot Red Sticker - Apr 2011
Albuquerque, New Mexico - A customer complaint led to an Albuquerque pizza place getting slapped with a red sticker in this week's restaurant report.A customer reported that a grease trap was leaking into the street from the Pizza Hut at 8700 Central Ave. SE. When health inspectors checked out the place, they said they found sewage and the grease trap overflowing into the street.Inspectors gave the Pizza Hut a red sticker and closed it until a re-inspection could be done. ... Albuquerque grease trap compliance fine is a one day red sticker
Sewer spills into McMullen Creek - Mar 2011
Burlington, North Carolina - A sewage overflow caused by rags and debris sent wastewater into a Burlington Creek, Friday afternoon. The City of Burlington had an overflow of approximately 81,300 gallons of untreated wastewater from its sanitary sewer collection system reach surface waters ... North Carolina is becoming the Sanitary Sewer Overflow State.
Grease Trap Ordinance passed - Mar 2011
Calvert, Texas - "Last time we removed a nine foot long block of solid grease." O'Carroll estimated the city had spent $6,000 to $9,000 on man hours and repairs over the past year and a half because of the problem. This is mainly from large kitchen areas and different restaurants. Most cities out there have ordinances. Non-compliance will result in a $500 fine. O'Carroll said grease traps can run anywhere from $500 up to $30,000 depending on size and capabilities. ... A Grease Trap Compliance is useless unless enforced
Sewage spills into Burlington creek - Mar 2011
Charlotte, North Carolina - Utilities officials say a sewer backed up spilling 2,000 gallons of wastewater into McMullen Creek. Officials say a blockage of grease and tree roots caused the sewer overflow. Crews responded, cleaning the spill within 26 minutes. No dead fish were found. ... Restaurant grease has to kill the fish for a public reaction?
9,600 gallons of sewage dispelled - Mar 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina - The City of Raleigh says about 9,600 gallons of sewage was dispelled from a sewer manhole. The City says the overflow was caused by an excessive buildup of restaurant grease. The City says only water, human waste and toilet paper are permitted to be discharged into the sewer system. ... this again is very sad, and disappointing. A grease trap ordinance must be implimented.
Sewage overflow into SF Bay - Mar 2011
Oakland, California - This season alone, nearly 125 million gallons of diluted sewage poured into the bay from overflow structures in Richmond and Oakland, regulators say. In addition to rainwater infiltration, overflows are caused by roots and grease backups. ... Grease Recovery Devices would solve the problem. Cant do much with the tree roots.
Richmond facing $480,000 bill - Mar 2011
Richmond, British Columbia - Metro Vancouver along with local municipalities spends up to $2 million a year to clean up clogged and backed-up sewer pipes. Metro plans to speak with restaurants on a proposed minimum monthly cleaning of their restaurant grease traps in a bid to cut the fat and oil that's going into the sewers. It's estimated it will cost Metro Vancouver $1 million per kilometre to rehabilitate this sewer, and it will take 10 to 12 years to complete the work. ... Goslyn Canada is in Kelowna, British Columbia
FOG Control May Impact Local Business - Mar 2011
Imperial Beach, California - The city wants to create incentives and disincentives, City Manager Gary Brown said, for food serving businesses to try and stop fats, oils and grease from going into the sewer system."Out of the 43 establishments, 50 percent might not know anything about this," said Janney. "If we go directly into this we are going to immediately hear from the public 'here they go again. The city is anti-business." ... "Accountability" when raw sewage is flowing directly in the Tijuana river or Pacific ocean?
Grease blockage causes another overflow - Feb 2011

Columbia, South Carolina - A Midlands utility company said its latest sewer overflow was caused by a blockage of cooking grease.This is at least the fourth time this year an overflow from an Alpine Utilities sewer has sent raw sewage into Stoops Creek. Two spills at the end of January and another in February allowed thousands of gallons of sewage to enter the creek. ... 4 sanitary sewer overflows from restaurant grease in 1 year. Hmmm.
Sewage smell from clogged grease trap - Feb 2011

Picayune, Mississippi - A clogged grease trap was discovered and believed to be the culprit in a sewage smell near Ryans and Walmart. It was determined the smell was the cause of overflowing sewage into a nearby ditch near Blockbuster, and the cause of the overflow was a clogged grease trap. Diamond said the Utility Authority will move towards having discussions with the business to ensure the situation does not occur again. ... Grease traps not serviced, No Grease Trap Ordinance, NO penalty, No problem in Mississippi.
Frankston residents dealing with grease - Feb 2011
Frankston, Texas - Frankston mayor Al Mann tells us Brenda's underground grease trap has been malfunctioning. He says the city only got involved to stop a larger sewage problem, and claims no human waste ever came up. "Since it turned out it was no where near the sewer line and it was just the grease trap overflowing". ... Brenda's old grease trap technology isnt working.
Sewer-clogging grease boulders - Feb 2011
Elmhurst, Illinois - Anyway it's described, it's hard to make a grease boulder sound appealing, and when those balls of fat or grease get caught in the sanitary sewer system they can cause costly problems. Gary Smith, manager of waste water treatment, said earlier this month the city detected an 18-by 12-inch "grease boulder" that got stuck in the sanitary sewer system. The city tries to dissolve or break up the grease balls before they get to the waste water treatment plant or to a pump station where they would be even more expensive to remove. ... Is the grease trap compliance officer on sabbatical.
Officials report two sewer overflows - Feb 2011
Richland County, South Carolina - Wastewater officials put a warning out for two separate sewage overflows that have contaminated watersheds. Workers say a grease blockage backed up a collection line into the Koon Creek Friday. Nothing like raw sewage contaminating your watershed. ... South Carolina has to improve their grease traps and grease trap ordinance.
Decrease the Grease - Sewage Overflows - Feb 2011
Columbia, South Carolina - "I would say 80% to 90% of our overflows are attributed to grease." These blockages don't only look and smell disgusting, they can be dangerous. "It's going to introduce some fecal material into the water," Dove explained. "And that bacteria can end up harming people." Cleaning it up isn't cheap as Dove said every year Columbia spends about $1.5 million to clean up overflows and grease stoppages. ... $1.5 million spent on grease trap waste clean-up. Money down the drain.
Slippery surprise in Woolworths carpark - Feb 2011

Cooma, NSW, Australia - The NSW Fire and Rescue were called to a massive grease trap overflow at the Bombala Street end of the Woolworths car park on Thursday afternoon. NSW Fire and Rescue Cooma Captain Chris Reeks estimated the size of the spill was around 2000 litres of oil and grease. ... Ya can't put grease trap waste on the barbie, Mate.
City takes aims at reducing F.O.G. - Feb 2011

San Francisco, California - The city spends about $3.5 million annually to unclog sewers filled with fats, oils and grease from food service establishments, according to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. It's estimated that over 40 percent of the sewer system service work orders are F.O.G related. ... Where this grease trap waste coming from? Restaurant Grease clogging a lateral sanitary sewer pipe. The San Francisco Treat?
Demolition prompts pest problem - Jan 2011
Bowling Green, Ohio - In McDonald Dining Center near the dishwashing area, grease traps were cited as being improperly sealed during two pest control technician visits Jan. 12 and Jan. 19, according to pest service reports. Pest reports also indicate the unrepaired grease traps have a high severity as a refuge for American cockroaches. The grease traps remained unrepaired as of Jan. 19. ... Bowling Green University - Universities must be environmental leaders
Guilty plea in grease case - Jan 2011
San Antonio, Texas - Ojeda to plead guilty in the case, after restaurants complained to the San Antonio Water System that their sewer systems backed up when AF pumped out their grease interceptors. ... Grease Trap waste haulers must be government certified.
Town mandate restaurants clean traps - Jan 2011
South Whitehall, Pennsylvania - It gums up the insides of sewer lines until it hardens into a thick, viscous goop that sticks to the pipes like cholesterol to an artery. It's the mortal enemy of sewer workers and one of the biggest barriers to smooth sailing in the sewer system. ... grease traps havent changed in 100 years.
The Grease News for 2010 has been archived.