Grease Trap Ordinance Archives - 2010
Sewage Spills Out Into Waikele Stream - Dec 2010
Honolulu, Hawaii - Officials said the sanitary sewer overflow was caused when grease clogged a 10-inch vitrified clay sewer pipe. Workers said about 4,700 gallons entered a storm drain that leads to Waikele Stream. ... Passive grease traps are old technology that do not meet todays standards.
Hazmat Teams Respond To Grease Spill - Nov 2010

Honolulu, Hawaii - A clogged grease trap in Kalihi caused a commotion on Friday morning. The grease trap overflowed through the parking lot of Liliha Square and onto Liliha Street, Honolulu Fire Department officials said. HFD dispatched four units, including a hazardous materials team to the scene. ... This grease trap related spill will cost taxpayers over $10,000 to repair. Does Honolulu, Hawaii have and enforce a Grease Trap Ordinance?
Council takes aim at grease blobs - Nov 2010
Brenham, Texas - Brenham officials are hopeful that tougher rules will make grease blobs the size of tabletops a thing of the past in the citys sewage treatment plant. ... Also, bacteria at the treatment plant can be unsettled by fats, oils and grease. "It affects the bugs that we rely on in operating that plant," said Rau. ... Even grease blockages are big in Texas
County workers find grease in sewers - Nov 2010
Cleveland, Ohio - County workers found grease - apparently from restaurants along Pearl, blocking sewers there. "It was very bad in places," McCauley said. "Some of the laterals were 90 percent blocked." ... Passive grease traps and grease interceptors do not even recover 85% of the grease from kitchen wastewater.
City ignores state mandate - Oct 2010
Waterbury, Connecticut - The Board of Aldermen ignored an ultimatum from the state Monday and rejected a proposal to require restaurants to install grease traps. ... A Grease trap ordinance is important to our environment, health, and clean water.
Regina grapples with restaurant grease - Oct 2010
Regina, Saskatchewan - Over the last several years, city workers have spent between 300 and 500 person-hours a year clearing out grease blockages from the sewer system. ... A monitored and enforced grease trap ordinance saves taxpayers millions of dollars in cities in Canada.
Grease in pipes will cost $1 million - Sept 2010
Chicago, Illinois - To fix the restaurant grease problem, the village needs to spend almost $1 million to replace 1,660 feet of sewers and fix another 720 feet, according to Murauskas' report. ... When maintained conventionalgrease traps prevent only 85% of the grease from restuarant waste water from being discharged into sanitary sewer systems. Grease Interceptors even less.
5 accused dumping grease into creek - August 2010
San Antonio, Texas - If you believe in the environment, Responsible Grease Management and the proper disposal of restaurant grease, this is a must read. Death by Grease Trap odors ... is a thought
Roto-Rooter franchise convicted - August 2010
Mobile, Alabama - A federal jury here today convicted a local Roto-Rooter franchise of dumping thousands of gallons of grease into the sewer system and found two company executives guilty of lesser crimes. Any person over 18 years old understands that dumping restaurant grease into our sanitary sewers and natural waterways is environmentally irresponsible and punishable by large fines and jail time. ...Punishment should be cleaning out 100 grease traps by hand.
Owner submits cleanup for grease site - July 2010
Athens, Georgia - recycled grease from restaurants and chicken plants at its 86-acre site, closed after a malfunctioning pump ignited a settling pond filled with greasy water. ... Just disgusting
Grease Clogging Sewers - July 2010
Lavonia, South Carolina - The grease will collect to the point where it will literally stop up a manhole and when that happens, you have a sewer spill, which is a no-no to the EPD (Environmental Protection Division) ... Passive Grease Traps are never maintained
Man arrested for illegal grease dumping - July 2010
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Investigators within the Criminal Investigation Division of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality have arrested a LaSalle Parish man for illegal dumping of restaurant grease and used cooking oil into state waterways. ... What the grease trap was he thinking.
Sewer rates will go up in Penn Township - July 2010
West Chester, Pennsylvania - "A grease trap's only good if you maintain it," Mason said. "The only way some people react is when it comes out of their pocket." ... Commercial grease traps must be cleaned and pumped out on a regular schedule.
Fat, oil, grease bad for sewer system - July 2010
Willmar, Minnesota - Fats, oils and grease - known as FOG in the wastewater treatment business - enter the sewer system from drains and poorly maintained restaurant and business grease traps. ... All foodservice facilities must impliment 'Best Kitchen Practices" to reduce or stop FOG from entering the sanitary sewer system.
Restaurant Grease Costs $80K - April 2010
Niagara Falls, New York - A $3,100 sewer bill has prompted village officials to crack down on grease trap ordinance enforcement at a number of local businesses. ... Pour your money down the grease laden drains.
Sewer Grease Clog Leads To Overflow - March 2010
Creve Coeur, Missouri - MSD suspects the restaurant grease blockage came from a business like a restaurant and could have been building up for a couple of months. ... A Grease Trap Ordinance is a must ...
Restaurant Grease Costing Millions - March 2010
San Francisco, California - Every year, about 4 million gallons of fat, oil, and grease (FOG) is discharged into the citys wastewater system, costing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission roughly $3.5 million. Of the 6,000 sewer blockages the agency responds to annually, almost half are related to restaurant grease. ... Why do we allow grease trap waste to pollute our sewers and natural waterways?
Restaurant Grease Dumped into Sewer - March 2010
Mississauga, Ontario - Its happened again - and Nicky Hall and other caring wildlife volunteers say it must stop. This morning, Hall had the heartbreaking task of collecting two geese - one dead and the other dying - from the waste vegetable oil spill into Lake Wabukayne in Meadowvale ... I was born here, terrible
Grease Traps Poorly Maintained - March 2010
Scottsdale, Arizona - Fats, oils, grease,(FOG) along with food leftovers that restaurants send down kitchen sinks, wind up in underground grease interceptors. Interceptors are designed to allow grease and liquid to separate and prevent the grease from entering - and possibly clogging - the main sewer system. ... good Grease Recovery devices trap food solids.